Buckle and Boot
Join the class and learn to line dance! Click on their website below for details, prices and contact info. "Where the west comes alive in every step".
Join the class and learn to line dance! Click on their website below for details, prices and contact info. "Where the west comes alive in every step".
Gods Pantry Food Bank is open Tuesdays from 2pm - 6pm and Friday 3pm - 6pm. Bring your own bags Please arrive by 5:45 at the latest. Doors close at 6:00pm
The Benston Hall has teamed up with Graham- Kapowsin Community Council and now offers Benston Hall for a community drop in space for their events! Check out their website and menu options for lunch.
Gods Pantry Food Bank is open Tuesdays from 2pm - 6pm and Friday 3pm - 6pm. Bring your own bags Please arrive by 5:45 at the latest. Doors close at 6:00pm
Sunday Seva is once monthly community gathering led by Nicole Hadman. Come expand your mind and open your heart space with like minded community. This is a free, family friendly event. Must RSVP for children's SEVA at www.nicolehadman.com
Join the class and learn to line dance! Click on their website below for details, prices and contact info. "Where the west comes alive in every step".
Gods Pantry Food Bank is open Tuesdays from 2pm - 6pm and Friday 3pm - 6pm. Bring your own bags Please arrive by 5:45 at the latest. Doors close at 6:00pm
The Benston Hall has teamed up with Graham- Kapowsin Community Council and now offers Benston Hall for a community drop in space for their events! Check out their website and menu options for lunch.
You know what they say..." One man's trash is another man's treasure". Have a pile of stuff that needs to go? Don't have to set up for a yard sale? We are here to help! Rain or shine! Indoor/Outdoor spots available. We are opening our doors for a weekend sale! Have stuff to […]
Gods Pantry Food Bank is open Tuesdays from 2pm - 6pm and Friday 3pm - 6pm. Bring your own bags Please arrive by 5:45 at the latest. Doors close at 6:00pm
Join the class and learn to line dance! Click on their website below for details, prices and contact info. "Where the west comes alive in every step".
Gods Pantry Food Bank is open Tuesdays from 2pm - 6pm and Friday 3pm - 6pm. Bring your own bags Please arrive by 5:45 at the latest. Doors close at 6:00pm
The Benston Hall has teamed up with Graham- Kapowsin Community Council and now offers Benston Hall for a community drop in space for their events! Check out their website and menu options for lunch.
Gods Pantry Food Bank is open Tuesdays from 2pm - 6pm and Friday 3pm - 6pm. Bring your own bags Please arrive by 5:45 at the latest. Doors close at 6:00pm
Join the class and learn to line dance! Click on their website below for details, prices and contact info. "Where the west comes alive in every step".
Gods Pantry Food Bank is open Tuesdays from 2pm - 6pm and Friday 3pm - 6pm. Bring your own bags Please arrive by 5:45 at the latest. Doors close at 6:00pm
The Benston Hall has teamed up with Graham- Kapowsin Community Council and now offers Benston Hall for a community drop in space for their events! Check out their website and menu options for lunch.
Come paint with us! Raquel with The Traveling Craft Party will be providing all the supplies you need to make your own custom wooden sign, perfect for Spring! The cost is $50/ per person Snacks and Refreshments will be available Text to Register - 206-889-8997
Gods Pantry Food Bank is open Tuesdays from 2pm - 6pm and Friday 3pm - 6pm. Bring your own bags Please arrive by 5:45 at the latest. Doors close at 6:00pm
Gods Pantry Food Bank is open Tuesdays from 2pm - 6pm and Friday 3pm - 6pm. Bring your own bags Please arrive by 5:45 at the latest. Doors close at 6:00pm
The Benston Hall has teamed up with Graham- Kapowsin Community Council and now offers Benston Hall for a community drop in space for their events! Check out their website and menu options for lunch.
Gods Pantry Food Bank is open Tuesdays from 2pm - 6pm and Friday 3pm - 6pm. Bring your own bags Please arrive by 5:45 at the latest. Doors close at 6:00pm